
Games similar to caesar 3
Games similar to caesar 3

games similar to caesar 3

  • Command & Conquer Economy: The citizens show very little initiative.
  • Note that while the "Circus" aspect can be Gladiator Games, it doesn't necessarily have to be.
  • Bread And Circus: Good food and entertainment are basic elements behind a happy and wealthy population.
  • This makes them less likely to attack you, but more likely to trade with you, sometimes for otherwise inaccessible goods. Some maps also have quaint little barbarian settlements, where you can establish a mission.
  • Barbarian Tribe: Celts are one the main enemies of the game.
  • If the first fort you build is for auxiliaries, they'll still be called "Prima Legion".
  • Light ranged and cavalry units being considered legions in their own right.
  • games similar to caesar 3

  • Regular legions consisting entirely of regular sword-and-shield warriors.
  • Javelins being used by auxiliaries rather than by regular legionaries.
  • Artistic License – Military: There are quite a few deviations from The Glory That Was Rome.
  • All the same, the concepts of "Caesar" and "Empire" are present from the very beginning. Caesar III) take place centuries before then, when Rome was a Republic rather than an Empire, and the highest position of executive authority was the Consul.

    games similar to caesar 3

  • Artistic License – History: "Caesar" was nothing more than a surname until the mid-1st century B.C, and some of the games in this series (e.g.
  • This is however Handwaved by the game: Casear doesn't allow your cities to have a larger force because you're supposed to be building and defending it, not starting a war.
  • Arbitrary Headcount Limit: While there is no population cap, there is a cap on the number of legions you can have.

  • Games similar to caesar 3